Everyone knows that serving coffee is an authentic ritual.
Whether it is drunk in the morning to help us wake up, during a relaxing break, or at the end of our meal, coffee is always a moment of pleasure, a sort of active meditation which, however, requires some precise rules.
In our previous article we talked about how to prepare coffee using the Italian moka pot. Now, we will give you some tips on how to honour the coffee ritual by serving it to your guests following the rules of etiquette.
To start with, it must be said that even if served at the end of the meal, coffee should never be served at the table. The coffee corner should, instead, be set up in the living room.
So invite your guests to take a seat in your living room where you’ve already set up the coffee table with a tray for everything you need: the cups with matching saucers, the teaspoons, the coffee-pot, a sugar bowl and, if you like, a milk jug.
Once you’ve prepared the coffee following the proper rules, take it to the living room in the coffee-pot so that it stays hot. The host will have the honour of pouring the coffee into each guest’s cup, which should be filled to two-thirds of its capacity. If you use capsules or pods instead of a coffee-pot, then you should serve one guest at a time, to avoid the coffee getting cold.
It is good practice to ask your guests whether they would like to add sugar and / or milk to their coffee, and how much, so you can meet their requirements and serve them their coffee ready to drink. The cup of coffee must be handed to the guests on its saucer, with the handle to the right, the same side as the teaspoon that will be used by the guest to stir the coffee. After everyone has finished drinking their coffee, the host will clear the coffee table and serve liqueurs and chocolates, if appropriate.
And what about you? Did you know the rules about serving coffee in the right way?
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