Andy Warhol said “I think having land and not ruining it, is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want”. In everyday life we often loose sight of the result that our actions, even unconscious, may have on our lives and on the planet we live on.
Polluting detergents and plastic bottles are only a few examples of what is gathered from the oceans.
A sea of waste that lie on beaches where we run, get some sun and relax. All this happens for our laziness, because we don’t want to reuse a case or to use compostable and biodegradable products.
A human habit that is destroying our planet.
Coffee capsules have been protagonists of a significant consumers’ habits modification in recent years and the widespread use of such a kind of coffee product presents us with a few questions: how the capsule is managed, once it has become waste? Is it environmentally damaging? The answer is: it depends on the type of capsule.
There are, on the market, capsules with different characteristics: those made of aluminum, those made of plastic and the compostable ones. All three types, when handled with understanding, may contribute to preserve the environment.
Composting is an organic and aerobic process managed by man and through which organic materials become compost, a soil that can be used as fertilizer as it is rich in nutritional substances helpful for the ground. Compostable capsules such as the ones of our line Classe – Italian Style Coffee, can be therefore thrown in organic waste without separating the case from the coffee; becoming hearth and generating new life. A natural cycle that goes again.
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